January 25, 2021

The Inspiration of a Conversation

When we launched our new brand identity last year, we made “Inspiring Conversations” our purpose statement. Although having authentic conversations may look different in our "socially distanced" world, the importance of having them remains the same. READ MORE >

January 4, 2021

Proud to Be a Woman-Owned Business

Last year, we officially became certified as a Woman-Owned Small Business by the U.S. Small Business Administration. We feel this is an important value-add for our potential and current clients. READ MORE >

December 21, 2020

A Year-End Message from The Jakes Group

While 2020 has presented some unique challenges, there have been many bright spots as well. This holiday season, we’re celebrating our successful collaborations and the people we get to work with each day. READ MORE >

December 7, 2020

Making the Case for Case Studies

While case studies may seem like an old-fashioned marketing approach, they can be highly effective in educating potential leads. Instead of saying what you offer, case studies allow you to actually show the positive impact and results you bring to the table. READ MORE >

November 16, 2020

Do You Have a Defined Brand Purpose?

Recent data suggests that purpose-driven organizations and companies have been better able to rise to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. So, have you considered your own brand’s purpose lately? We've included some thought-sparking questions to get started. READ MORE >