Proud to Be a Woman-Owned Business

Last year, we officially became certified as a Woman-Owned Small Business by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). In order to do our very best work for clients, we are committed to upholding a culture that welcomes new ideas, celebrates diversity and fosters collaboration. We feel this certification helps to serve as a badge of this commitment to you. 

According to, despite a record high number of Fortune 500 Women CEOs in 2020, there are still nearly 13 companies run by a man for every company run by a woman. And, although women make up nearly half of the American labor force, only slightly over a third of women are managers. These statistics emphasize the need for women in leadership positions. It’s simply a key way to ensure more inclusive workplace environments that welcome diverse perspectives. It brings us great pride to have a female at the helm of our creative and strategic teams. 

Why We Think It Matters  

While we have been a woman-owned business since our inception, we have seen more businesses and government entities revisiting and prioritizing inclusivity in their day-to-day practices. Thus, we felt it was the right time to get the official certification from the U.S. Small Business Administration. 

The overall purpose of the certification is to ensure that woman-owned small businesses have equal opportunity to federal contracting. We applaud the fact that the SBA has recently streamlined the application processes so more woman-owned businesses can leverage this unique certification. We truly feel it is a win/win for both us as a small business and those we work with each day. We want current and future clients to have peace of mind that they are working with an inclusive team when they choose The Jakes Group.

About Our Owner

Laura Jakes began The Jakes Group (formerly LJ Creates) in 2010. Initially a graphic designer, she spent decades moving up the ad agency ranks in Northwest Ohio as both an art and creative director—winning numerous industry awards along the way. 

While working as a freelancer, she saw there was an opportunity in the marketplace to offer her clients a more hands-on, service-focused approach. Thus, her own boutique-style marketing agency was born. In addition to leading our team, Laura serves her hometown as president of the Sylvania Arts Commission. We believe her passion for all-things-creative and her client-focused nature set the tone for the teams she leads each day.

If you work for a woman-owned business that is interested in acquiring your own SBA certification, we are happy to discuss the process we took to achieve this milestone. Let’s have a conversation.  

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