How Topical Authority Builds Your Brand & Business

When we discuss search engine optimization (SEO) and ideas for driving website traffic, typically the conversation begins with a focus on keywords and search terms. But these days Google’s search engine is more refined in how it ranks sites. Naturally, Google wants its users to see high-quality and relevant websites at the top of the ranks when conducting a search. So, what does that mean for brands? Your task isn’t simply to put terms and phrases on your website repetitively in the hopes that Google’s bots rank your site higher than your competition. Rather, brands are winning the “search engine game” by building topical authority and placing meaningful, relevant and informative content throughout their website. 

This means your brand has an immense opportunity to build awareness and generate leads online by emerging as a true expert. In the SEO world, this is known as topical authority. It’s all about creating specific content for consumers seeking information about your service or offering. How should topical authority play a role in your brand’s online marketing strategy? Here are some suggestions to start.

  • Conduct an audit of your website content. It’s easy to focus on a website’s visuals and design, but it’s important to take time to truly read your website and view it from a visitor’s lens. Is there a robust page of content for every service or product you offer? Don’t just say that you do or sell something; your website is where you can provide helpful information to educate your potential customers. 
  • Get specific. In order to create tailored content beyond general search terms, it’s important to get aligned as a brand on what you want to say. We recommend pulling together your team and getting feedback on common questions they hear from potential and existing customers. How can you answer those questions on your website? Also check out what your competitors are doing well and not well. How can you show you are more of an expert than them? Ultimately, you can become a content expert online by supplying helpful information in a way that meets consumers while they are searching for it. For example, if your business offers cooking classes then there is a good chance your target audience wants to learn more about cooking. You could supply tips like “how to choose the right knife to use from your set” or create a mini dictionary of common cooking terms you use in class. 
  • Maintain a blog. We recommend creating a blog to house content that displays your expertise. Go back to that brainstorming list and see how you can answer those common questions and expand upon timely issues through blog articles on your site. Don’t have the time to keep up a blog? While we understand it can be viewed as time consuming, it can be worth it when it’s done well. We recommend working with a professional copywriter who can take your key points and craft them into meaningful messaging and helpful posts. 

Do you have questions about topical authority and SEO? We’d love to help answer them. Contact The Jakes Group today

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